
Command group Flag affected Reversible Execute on client Platform(s)
Constructs NO NO YES All




This command is used after an If command to mark the beginning of some commands that are carried out if the condition in the preceding If command is false.


# In the example below, the value of lGender is tested against the condition
# specified in the If statement. If the condition fails, control branches to the
# first Else If statement in the method. If the condition again fails, control
# branches to the Else command.
If lGender='M'
  OK message {Record is MALE}
Else If lGender='F'
  OK message {Record is FEMALE}
  OK message (Sound bell{GENDER Unknown for this record}
End If
# The same result could also be obtained using a switch statement
Switch lGender
  Case 'M'
    OK message {Record is MALE}
  Case 'F'
    OK message {Record is FEMALE}
    OK message (Sound bell{GENDER Unknown for this record}
End Switch