Omnis Notation Reference

Omnis Software Ltd
December 2023

About This Manual

This manual provides a reference to the properties and methods of the main objects and classes in Omnis Studio, including the Omnis preferences ($root.$prefs), Common or Standard properties for all objects (libraries and classes), as well as the group and list notation.

Notation Inspector

You can view the complete object tree in the Notation Inspector, which you can open from the View menu, or by clicking on the Notation icon in the main Omnis toolbar, or by pressing F3/Cmnd-3. The Omnis Root object ($root) is at the top of the Notation tree, which contains all other object group including $libs (all open libraries), various instance groups (e.g. $iremoteforms), and the Omnis preferences ($prefs). You can drill down into the notation tree to find an object or group of objects; for example, you can open the $libs group, then an open library name, and then into a class group, such as $remoteforms.

You can drag an item from the Notation Inspector and drop it into your code in the Code Editor to copy the complete notation string for the item. At any time, you can select an item in the Notation Inspector and press F1 to open the Help system for that item.

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