Omnis Video Library
shared knowledge and application building skills

Omnis developers and our Omnis engineering team share their knowledge and application building skills to help you take advantage of Omnis Studio’s next generation development environment.

Barrierefreiheit mit Omnis Studio

Omnis für alle(s) – Applikationen designen, die JEDE/R nutzen kann

Gert Stiewi, Geschäftsführer der SMS System-Management Stiewi GmbH aus Aachen, erläutert die Bedeutung von Barrierefreiheit für moderne Softwareanwendungen, die für alle Anwender zugänglich und einfach nutzbar sein sollen. Er zeigt in seiner Präsentation, wie Omnis Studio Sie bei der Erstellung barrierefreier Applikationen unterstützt, und gibt sowohl praktische Tipps und Beispiele, worauf bei der Entwicklung zu achten ist, als auch einen Ausblick in die Zukunft und die weitere Entwicklung.
Dieser Vortrag wurde im Mai 2019 auf der deutschen Omnis-Entwicklerkonferenz in Wesel gehalten.

Sorry this content is available in German only.


Remote Debugging in Omnis Studio

Götz Krija, Omnis Support Engineer, shows the Remote Debugger. This is a new feature introduced in Omnis Studio 10 that allows developers to debug applications outside the office, saving time and effort and enabling Omnis developers to better support their customers. This further improves Omnis Studio’s excellent debugger.
Video: 28 mins


New Omnis OW3 Worker Objects

Bob Mitchell, Omnis Principal Engineer, shows how you can use the OW3 Worker Objects in Studio 10 to add various web & communication features to your apps including HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, and FTP, including the base properties and methods for all objects, and a live demo.
This presentation was part of the Omnis Developer Conference in May 2019 in Wesel, Germany.
Video: 12 mins


Vertrauen Sie Ihrem Piloten?

Wie eine Omnis-Webanwendung die EASA-Sicherheitsstandards in der Flugmedizin sichert

Christoph Schwerdtner, Inhaber der Schwerdtner Medizin-Software GmbH aus Hannover, berichtet über die Applikation Q-MED.AERO für flugmedizinische Tauglichkeitszertifikate, über die Programmierung mit Omnis Studio und sein Business-Modell. Dieser Vortrag wurde am 06.02.2019 auf der Konferenz der c’t in Köln gehalten.

Sorry this content is available in German only.


Omnis App Manager

Götz Krija, Omnis Support Engineer, introduces the Omnis App Manager which allows you to connect to and test your JavaScript Client based, iOS mobile applications. The Omnis App Manager is available to download from the Apple iOS / itunes App Store:
This presentation was part of the Omnis Developer Conference in May 2018 in Wesel, Germany.
Video: 11 mins


Authentification using Face Recognition

Benjamin Rohner from amétiq AG shows how you can use face recognition to login into a secure medical doctor’s office application.
This presentation was part of the Omnis Developer Conference in May 2018 in Wesel, Germany.
Video: 12 mins

Integration of Omnis JavaScript Remote Forms into WordPress

Klaus Schrödl, Senior Consultant with Omnis Omnis Software, discusses how to integrate Omnis JavaScript Remote Forms into WordPress. Klaus starts with an overview of WordPress itself, then a live demo of an Omnis Remote form.
This presentation was part of the Omnis Developer Conference in May 2018 in Wesel, Germany.
Video: 49 mins


Your Omnis Story

A few months ago we asked the Omnis community to tell us ‚Your Omnis Story‘ in a short video. We received some great videos by Omnis developers from all over the world and we want to thank everyone who submitted her/his Omnis story.

The videos demonstrate the wide range of solutions that companies have realized with Omnis and show the strengths of Omnis Studio that are particularly important to developers.

A big Thank you to everyone who took the time and produced a video.
The videos are available here.

As promised, a unique Your Omnis Story t-shirt that is not available elsewhere was sent to each participant.


Mayada Al-Kishtini, Canada

Andrea Barbagallo, Italy

Paul Mulroney, Australia


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