Tech News Back Issues Issue: 041304

Hyperlinks control

By David Swain
Polymath Business Systems

I am so pleased that Omnis Studio version 4 has been released! I have been waiting for months to tell you about some amazing new features, but had to hold off until the official announcement of the new product. Now is one of those times when it's too bad that Tech News only comes out once a month...

With all the new features to choose from, it was a bit difficult to select a starting point, but the first item that I wanted to do an article about months ago is the Hyperlinks control - so here we go!

What Is It?

The Hyperlinks control is a field that presents a collection of clickable strings that look and act like hypertext links (like on a web page or in some other hpyertext document). When configured in the "normal" way, a link will "highlight" in a different color as the mouse passes over it and the mouse icon changes to a pointing finger - just like in a web browser. If we click on a link, some action occurs. The Browser window in the Omnis Studio 4 IDE makes liberal use of this control. There are two separate cases of its use in the Library Browser, for example:

Hyperlink Controls in the Browser

But this is only the surface appearance of this control. That is, it only looks like a group of hypertext links. In fact, it is yet another way to display contents from a list variable used for navigation (or operational) purposes - much like a Sidebar control. The structure of the list variable used with this control is even very similar to the structure of a list variable used with a Sidebar. But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves...

A New Xcomp

First, we have to understand that this is an external component and it can only be placed on a Window class. It is not a "normal" window field, so we will find it under "External Components" in the Component Store window when we are editing the window class.

Next we need to make sure that the component is loaded. (It should be after all because the IDE uses it extensively, but it's good practice to check!) There are a couple of ways we can access the External Components window in Studio 4. The first is to use the Browser hyperlink for a given library. This provides an "External Components" hyperlink:

Accessing Externals from the Browser

The other way is to use the context menu of the Component Store window. The context menu provides a menu line for opening the External Components Browser:

Accessing Externals from the Component Store

By the way, the Component Store can now only be open when we are editing a GUI class (like a window) and not for creating new classes with the Browser (a change in Studio 4). Instead, there are separate hyperlink options for creating a new class from a class default or for using a class wizard.

We then find the "HYPLINKS Library" within the "External Components" group in the "External components" browser window that appears. Note that there is only one control (seen in the upper right panel of this window) and that it is the type for use on a window class.

External Components Browser

There should already be a green icon next to the "HYPLINKS Library" entry in the list on the left. But if there is a red icon instead, go ahead and set the "Pre-Load Status" of this component library to "Starting Omnis". You may find yourself using this control a lot!

Structure of the List Variable

As with any other field, we drag a Hyperlinks control to our window class from the Component Store window and size it as we need. We then assign appropriate values to various properties. The trick is knowing what to assign to which properties to achieve the desired look and functionality. Let's begin with the basics.

This field requires a list with a special format to even function. The list variable must have at least three columns in its definition and those must have certain characteristics. The first two must be numeric (I use Long integer type for flexibility, but any numeric type will do - even Character as long as only numerals are placed in these columns) and the third must be Character (although a Date column can be used if appropriate - and if we don't get too fancy with other techniques to be detailed later). We can supply additional columns if we wish, but these three are essential. Here is what they are for:

Column 1 is the group ID column. This allows us to "cluster" lines if we wish. We will see how this can be used when we examine event handling for this control type.

Column 2 is the item ID column. Again, we can employ various schemes for numbering each line - either sequentially with a group or uniquely within the control. There are many options!

Column 3 is the label column. The contents of this column determines what will be displayed as the link label for each line. There are many intriguing possibilities here too.

These columns can have any names we wish, but their contents must follow the rules listed here or the control will not work. For this article, let us name our list variable linkList and the columns groupID, itemID and labelText. (I've made them all instance variables as well.) So to define linkList, we would use the command:

Do linkList.$define(groupID,itemID,labelText)

Remember that column order is significant here!

How Does It Work?

This control reacts to a click on a link label (line of the list display). An event named evLinkClicked is generated by this action and is sent to the $event method of the field. The event is accompanied by two event parameters: pLinkGroup and pLinkid. That is, the values from columns 1 and 2 associated with the clicked link are returned. These two parameters each return numeric values, so creating columns of other data types and then populating them with non-numeric values will not work (although Character columns with strictly numeric values will work - if you insist!).

The current line ($line) property of the list variable is not affected (although we can change that with a bit of code if we need to), so only these two event parameters give us any indication of which line was clicked. We can use either the groupID or itemID value or a combination of the two to identify a line - and, therefore, an action to be taken.

This two-tiered structure suggests the following technique (verified by a recent memo I received that originated with Peter Kelly of the Omnis engineering team). We could set up our list with groupID and itemID values like this:

Do linkList.$add(1,1,"first choice - group 1")
Do linkList.$add(1,2,"second choice - group 1")
Do linkList.$add(0,0,"") ;; generates an empty line
Do linkList.$add(2,1,"first choice - group 2")
Do linkList.$add(2,2,"second choice - group 2")

Notice that there is no unique identifier for a line - only unique combinations of groupID and itemID. This would require code like the following in $event:

On evLinkClicked
   Switch pLinkgroup
      Case 1     ;; group 1
         ; group 1 setup
         Switch pLinkid
            Case 1
            Case 2
         End Switch
         ; group 1 cleanup
     Case 2     ;; group 2
         ; group 2 setup
         Switch pLinkid
            Case 1
            Case 2
         End Switch
         ; group 2 cleanup
    End Switch

This allows us to do some optional pre- or post-processing work for each group in addition to executing specific lines of code for individual links. But this is not the only way we could structure our list contents.

For example, we may not need to cluster our links into groups. We may only need one (unique) ID value for a linkList line. If this is the case, we could use either the groupID or the itemID column to hold the ID value. (We just have to remember which one we're using.) So our setup may look like this:

Do linkList.$add(0,1001,"first choice")
Do linkList.$add(0,1002,"second choice")
Do linkList.$add(0,1003,"third choice")
Do linkList.$add(0,1004,"fourth choice")

and the code in the $event method for this field that handles a click on a link could be simply:

On evLinkClicked
   Switch pLinkid
      Case 1
      Case 2
      Case 3
      Case 4
    End Switch

We could even couple this with additional content on the selected line of our link list (which does not become "selected" in the usual sense...). Suppose that we define a fourth column (named otherColumn) that also contains Character values. For example, perhaps we want to present a list of reports from which the user can choose, but we want to display nice, real-world names in column 3 for the link labels. So we put the actual names of the associated report classes in column 4. Our setup for this case may look like:

Do linkList.$add(0,1001,"Customer labels","customerLabels")
Do linkList.$add(0,1002,"Address listing","customerAddresses")
Do linkList.$add(0,1003,"Telephone listing","customerPhones")

and our event handling method could look like:

On evLinkClicked
   Do linkList.$search(itemID=pLinkid,1,0,0,0)
   Set report name [linkList.otherColumn]
   Print report

Here we use the pLinkid event parameter to set the $line value for linkList and then use the notational shortcut for a cell on the current line of a list (<listname>.<columnname>) to specify the name of the report the user wishes to print. We could even use additional columns to preset parameters to pass to the $construct method of the report. There are plenty of potentially useful variations!

Basic Properties

The Hyperlinks control contains a number of properties. In fact, there are six groups of them to be found in the Property Manager (including runtime methods).

Property Groups

Perhaps the most important property is the dataname property. This contains the name of the list variable to be used with the Hyperlinks control. It is found under the "General" tab. Most other "General" properties of the Hyperlinks control are typical of most fields (name, height, width, etc.), but there is also a disablefocus property (which defaults to kFalse) that can be set so that this object cannot receive the focus.

The properties available under most of the other tabs are typical of most fields - we could even call them "minimal" in some ways. For example, there is no special property for switching the underline on for our links. This is simply done using the fontstyle property under the "Text" tab. The control does support the fieldstyle property, so we can use this powerful Omnis Studio feature with it.

But the bulk of the important properties for this control are found under the "Hyperlinks" tab of the Property manager. Here are brief descriptions of them.

The hilitecolor property is used to set the text color that a link will display when the mouse passes over it. If this is set to the same color as the textcolor property, no visual change will take place as the mouse moves over the links.

The value of the vertical property determines how the links are arranged within the Hyperlinks control with regard to the list lines that contain them. If the value is set to kTrue, then the links are arranged down a column. If kFalse, they are spread out along a horizontal line.

Vertical Property Effect

The ::leftmargin and ::topmargin properties (note the double colons that begin the names) are used to set an additional buffer between the edge of the control and the link text. By default (zero values for these properties), the text butts right up to the edge of the control. In a similar way, the extraspace property is used to provide an additional buffer between lines. All three properties treat all lines equally. There is no property that sets a different margin for a specific line, for example.

As with lists for other uses in Omnis Studio, link lists could sometimes become too long to display all at once on a window. The showarrows property is used to display a set of scroll arrows if the link list becomes too long for the control. If one of the lines becomes too wide for the control, the link will turn into a "tooltip" if the mouse pointer pauses over it.

The Skin

In Omnis Studio version 4, windows, reports and remote forms can be assigned a background graphic called a "skin". This is implemented differently for the different kinds of class (windows and remote forms are assigned an icon which can be aligned in many ways - including "tiling" the icon - while reports get a picture pasted in from some outside source), but the idea is the same.

A Hyperlink control can also be given a skin. Like windows and remote forms, a Hyperlink controls can be assigned an icon to act as a background graphic. But unlike those classes, the icon assigned to a Hyperlink control can only be aligned to the upper left of the field or stretched to fit the entire field. The icon is assigned using the ::iconid property and the choice between using the normal size of the icon or stretching it to fit the whole field is made by the value of the ::scale property. By our not being able to tile this icon, making a background that 'blends in" with a textured window background can be somewhat trying, but satisfactory results can be achieved.

For example, in the image above, I have placed two Hyperlink controls onto a textured Mac OS X window.and made them appear "transparent". This was done by performing a screen capture of the window background itself (large enough to be used for a large control), copying it in Photoshop and pasting it into the Omnis Studio Icon Editor as an "image page". The ID of this icon was then assigned to the ::iconid property of each control and the controls were arranged so that their patterns blended in with the window background.

Special Mouse Event

Besides the evLinkClicked event, the Hyperlink control also recognizes an event named evMousePos. This event is reported to the $event method of the field each time the mouse pointer crosses the field boundary. The event parameter pEntered is used to determine whether the mouse has just entered or just left the field. There is no indication given, however, as to which link the mouse is over. The mouseover() function using the kMLine mouse position constant gives us no additional information (at least not as it does for "normal" list display fields).

Style Techniques

Consider the Hyperlink control shown here:

Additional Hyperlink Options

Notice anything unusual? We have two lines indented below the first line, the fourth item is shown with an icon and the fifth item is tilting at a 30 degree angle downward. These are all effects that can be achieved because the Hyperlink control also supports styled text! Let's examine the idea of indenting lines first.

It would seem that we could indent lines just by placing a few spaces at the beginning of the text value to be displayed. This will certainly indent the visible characters in the line, but it will also cause the spaces to be underlined - so the underscore will begin at the far left edge of the column. If we try to inject a tab character, the line vanishes completely!

Fortunately, we can use the kEscLTab constant with the style() function and inject a viable tab that way. In fact, we now have two ways to do this in Studio 4. Line two above was indented using:

Do linkList.$add(1,1002,con(style(kEscLTab,20),"Second item"))

But the same 20 pixel indentation can now be created using the kEscAdjustPos escape constant and appropriate X and Y offsets (as shown in line 3):

Do linkList.$add(1,1003,con(style(kEscAdjustPos,20,0),"Third item"))

Note that the style() function requires 3 parameters in this case, since we have to provide both an X and a Y offset (in pixels).

The icon was injected using the style() function as well, along with an icon I developed for displaying radio buttons on reports (although any icon will work). I covered this use of the function in Omnis Tech News many months ago, but here is the code used in this case:

Do linkList.$add(2,2001,con(style(kEscBmp,11004+k16x16),"Fourth item"))

A new use of the style() function introduced by Studio 4 is "text on an angle". This requires two parameters: kEscAngle to indicate that we want the following characters to print on a slanted baseline and a number of degrees (counted counterclockwise while pivoting the text on the left end of the baseline). There are also some constants (kAngle0, kAngle90 and kAngle270) that make certain adjustments to the baseline in addition to angling the text. Here is the code for the example shown above:

Do linkList.$add(2,2002,con(style(kEscAngle,330),"Fifth item"))

There are some problems with the angled text, though. The mouse pointer still reacts as though the text had not been put on an angle - and even the highlight color is only applied to that part of the text that falls within the horizontal rectangle that would have held it in that case.

Dynamic Link Lines

One final technique for now: We can also add and remove lines from our link list dynamically without actually changing the contents of the list variable itself ... well, maybe just a little change. We can make link lines appear and disappear by changing the value of the $rowpresent property of the associated line in the history list if we turn on the $smartlist property of our linkList variable. For example, if we want to make lines 3 and 4 disappear, we could perform the following:

Calculate linkList.$history.3.$rowpresent as kFalse
Calculate linkList.$history.4.$rowpresent as kFalse

In Conclusion

I hope you find this new control as interesting as I have. Hyperlinks are something that most users are very familiar with and this control is a welcome addition to our toolset.


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