Omnis White Papers
Omnis white papers cover a broad range of software development and business issues affecting your choice of development tools and solutions. These white papers focus on the features and benefits of Omnis Studio and demonstrate why you should use it for all your most critical development projects.
Choosing the right App Development Software for Start-ups & New Projects This white paper examines 12 key criteria to support your decision-making. |
English (pdf) | Deutsch (pdf) |
Writing an Online Documentation System This white paper describes how you can convert and display online documentation using Omnis Studio, and discusses the various disciplines involved. |
English (pdf) | Working Sample (zip Win64) |
Moving your Omnis App to the Web & Mobile This white paper is designed for existing Omnis Studio developers who want to move their applications to an Omnis JavaScript application, and includes information about how to create your database layer, login form, and main forms. |
English (pdf) | |
Creating Web and Mobile Apps This white paper explores the benefits of using a browser based JavaScript Client technology for creating and deploying web and mobile apps in today's enterprises, and provides you with an overview of the JavaScript Client and App Server technologies available in Omnis Studio. |
English (pdf) | Deutsch (pdf) |
Omnis for Unicode Omnis Studio is Unicode compatible (from Studio 5.0 onwards). This white paper summarises the technical issues and advantages this brings, and why you should consider supporting Unicode in your application. |
English (pdf) | Deutsch (pdf) |
Object Orientation with Omnis Studio Originally a Powerpoint slide presentation, this whitepaper outlines the concepts of Object Oriented programming and how this is achieved using Omnis Studio. |
English (pdf) | Deutsch (pdf) |
The Business of Moving to Studio This whitepaper discusses migrating Omnis 7 applications to Omnis Studio as well as the advantages Omnis Studio has over Omnis 7. |
English (pdf) | |
Omnis Studio as a Prototyping Tool How Omnis Studio can be used to design and prototype an application to improve and shorten the application development process, so you can move quickly from design to implementation. |
English (pdf) |