Ciao to all
I’m strugglin’ with $makepool:
I do exactly what Andreas Pfeiffer suggests in the “Moving your Omnis App to the Web…” white paper.
when I inspect the content of the Object in the remote form $construct method
Do $cinst.$sessionobject.$assign(<b style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>tSessionObj) I see it correctly instantiated but I get a DB error (a connection could not be established) because “FATALE: the database “username” does not exists”
So the question is: How and when can I $assign the value to the tSessionObj.$database (and $port) ?
Furthermore: when I try to
Do $extobjects.PGSQLDAM.$objects.PGSQLSESS.$makepool(‘myPool’,2,etc etc)
I always get a NULL return value for iPoolRef when the initial number of session is not zero.
With 0 it works fine..
What am I missing?
Thanks & cheers
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