Browser or Proxy error when trying Python Worker
Windows 11 + O$ 11 Build 110035439 64 bit + Python 3.11.4
I made a simple desktop lib to test the new Python worker, using the pyworker/omnis_test provided module. Python is installed and working (with pure Python tests). I did install the Omnis Python requirements ([my profile]\AppData\Local\Omnis Software\OS 11\pyworker>pip install -r requirements.txt)
The worker starts with no error, but after calling the test method (Do $cinst.$callmethod(‘omnis_test’,’test’)), the call back is always an error (code 10811) :
A problem occurred when trying to call the method : 400 Bad Request: The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.
Any idea why and what I could look at?
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