Tech News Back Issues Issue: 061004

The Icon Array Field

By David Swain
Polymath Business Systems

In the past few years we have examined most types of list display field in Omnis Studio, but there is one significant type we have overlooked until now: the Icon Array field for a Window Class. (Actually, we haven't dealt with the Complex Grid either, but there's always next month!) This field is found under the Standard Fields heading in the Component Store. It is used to differentiate among list lines by assigning an icon id and optional labeling text to each line and then displaying these items in a scrolling grid. For some situations, this specialized display can be quite effective and useful.

For example, we see such a field when we first open our development copy of Omnis Studio. The Browser window uses it for two of its three display modes (Large icons and Small icons selections from the View menu) to present a list of the various components associated with our application:

Browser Icon Array

The icons are used make it easier for us to identify types of class in this case. All of the other Browser tools provide similar displays of the application design or database elements they control. The circumstances of our own applications will suggest which features of list content we may wish to emphasize or highlight using icons in a field like this.

There have also been a few improvements made to this control in Omnis Studio Version 4, so it fits very nicely with this series of new features in the new version. But before getting to the new items, let's examine some of the basics...

Basic Setup

As with any list display field, the dataname property of an Icon Array field requires the name of a list variable. Some care must be taken in defining and populating this list variable to work properly with an Icon Array field.

In earlier versions of Omnis Studio, the Icon Array required that the first column in its associated list variable contain the icon id and that the second column contain the text to be displayed. This is similar to the setup for Sidebar and Hyperlink fields. (For those field types, certain other columns are also required in the associated list variable for proper function of the field.) But the order of these columns is no longer important for the Icon Array because of some new Studio 4 properties (I guess we got to some new items pretty quickly):

Column Properties

iconcolumn property

This property is used to specify which column in the associated list variable contains the required icon ID value. This is done by entering the number of the column, not the name, as the property value. (The unwary programmer will soon learn this!) When a library is converted to Studio 4 from earlier versions or when a new Icon Array field is introduced from an unmodified Studio 4 Component Store, this property's value defaults to 1. The corresponding column in the list variable should be of Long integer type, although any numeric type that can contain the necessary range of values will work. The name of this column is irrelevant as far as the Icon Array field is concerned.

If the value for this column is "empty" (zero) for a specific line, that line will not display an icon in the Icon Array field. This does not mean that the line is invisible, though, as a gap will still appear in the Icon Array display. (Kind of like the invisible man becoming visible in the fog...) It is also important to use icons that have both a k16x16 and a k48x48 size - and to not include the icon size constant to specify the icon ID. Omnis Studio will automatically use the 48x48 pixel icons for large icon view and the 16x16 pixel icons for the small icon view. If 48x48 is not available but 32x32 is, then the medium sized icon will be used in large icons mode. If a size larger than 16x16 is "forced" by using an icon size constant when specifying the main icon ID, the small icon view will simply crop that icon to 16x16 pixels.

textcolumn property

This property is used to specify the column in the associated list variable that contains the optional text to be displayed with the icon. Again this is done by entering the number of the column, not the name. The value of this property defaults to 2 for backward compatability with libraries built using earlier versions of Omnis Studio.

There is a showtext property (detailed below) that must also be switched on for this text column to be used in this way. So three conditions must be met to display text in an Icon Array: 1) showtext must be switched on, 2) textcolumn must point to a colum in the list (it can't be zero) and 3) that column in the list variable must contain a value that can be displayed as a string. (This can include dates and numbers as well as character strings.)

Since icons are used to indicate categories of lines (and not thumbnails of the records represented by those lines), it is usually good practice to use text labels to better identify the data associated with the icon. There will be exceptions to this, but we would not generally support enough icons in an application to cover, say, all the records in a photo album.

secondiconcolumn property

This is a completely new feature in Omnis Studio version 4. For this reason, the value of this property defaults to 0. It is used to indicate the column in the associated list variable that contains the ID number for a secondary icon. "Why two icons?", I hear you say. A good question like this calls for a "good news" answer!

The secondary icon is used as an overlay on the first. It is positioned over the lower right corner of the main icon and is usually used to indicate some state of the record. For example, in the Omnis Studio Class Browser, a padlock icon is superposed on any class icon where the class is derived from a Version Control System and not checked out. So the padlock icon indicates a "read-only" class:

Read-Only Class

There are other cases where a pair of keys indicates a class that has been made "private":

Private Class

These are just a couple of examples of uses for the secondary icon. Note that there is no System-Table-with-a-lock or Window-with-a-set-of-keys icon in our icon store. Instead, we can superimpose any 16x16 pixel icon over any 48x48 pixel icon (or whatever sizes of icon we choose to use). So we could have icons in an accounting application for 30, 60 and 90 days past due (yellow, orange and red dots perhaps). Or we could have various kinds and colors of check marks or X's to indicate various states of the records we choose to display. This new feature opens up all kinds of new possibilities!

Be sure to use an icon that has a 16x16 pixel version for this status icon. If there is no icon of that size for the specified icon ID, Omnis Studio will use only the upper left 16x16 pixel section of that icon. That could result in a completely empty (and completely invisible!) overlay if a 48x48 pixel icon contains only a 16x16 pixel image centered in its canvas.

Ideas for Building List Content

We would not normally store an icon ID in a record of a database since this value is only related to the display functions of our library and not to the data itself. This means that we have to generate an additional column for this value whenever we need to create a list for display with an Icon Array field. We must also populate that column for each record with an appropriate value based upon other content found within the record. These are not difficult things to do, but they benefit from a bit of planning.

The icons we use with an Icon Array field are most likely to reflect type or status column values from the original record, which will usually be of either Short integer or Boolean datatype. (Occasionally the more verbose programmer will store such items as strings.) This means that we can usually specify the icon ID required for an individual list line using a simple calculation, perhaps involving the pick() function, the mid() function or just a straightforward arithmetic expression. (More complex logic involving Switch/Case statements and many lines of code are required to deal with such values stored as strings.)

So there are two issues we must face in building our list for use with an Icon Array field: 1) how to create the additional columns required for primary and secondary icon IDs and 2) how to populate those cells with appropriate (numeric) icon ID values. The techniques we can use vary depending on whether we use the native Omnis Studio database techniques or an SQL RDBMS as our data repository.

Native Omnis Database

There are two ways we can add our icon ID column(s) when using a native Omnis database. One way is to simply create additional variables of appropriate scope and then include them in the definition of our list. Whether we use the Define list command or the $define() notational method to do this does not matter. The other way is to first define the data columns of the list with existing variables from our File Class(es) and then use either the $add(), $addbefore() or $addafter() method of the $cols group of our list variable to add the other columns. Here are some simple examples:

Begin reversible block  ;; iconID and statusID are instance variables
  Set current list iconList
  Set main file {memberFile}
End reversible block
Define list {iconID,statusID,memberFile.lastName,memberFile.firstName,memberFile.seqNumber,


Begin reversible block  ;; using standalone columns
  Set main file {memberFile}
End reversible block
Do iconList.$define(memberFile.lastName,memberFile.firstName,memberFile.seqNumber,
Do iconList.$cols.$addbefore(1,'mainID',kInteger,kLongint)
Do iconList.$cols.$addbefore(2,'subID',kInteger,kLongint)

The first technique gives the additional columns dataname property values while the second technique does not. Our choice here helps determine or direction in developing techniques for populating those columns.

There are also two basic ways of populating these columns: as the lines are added to the list or after the lines are added to the list. In the first technique, we could add the list lines in a repetitive loop and generate the value(s) required for each line as part of the process. If we have used variables for defining the additional columns, we can calculate values for those variables and then use either the Add line to list command or the $add() method for the list variable and add both icon IDs and record contents in a single step. If we created additional columns with no datanames, the line must either be created first (by one of the two techniques mentioned - with each column value being calculated with the actual list cell as the target rather than using a variable outside of the list as a transfer vehicle) or the values must be generated as part of the Add line to list command or $add() method with each value for the entire line being specified as a parameter.

These examples continue on from either of those above:

Find first on memberFile.lastName ;; using variables
  Calculate iconID as memberFile.memberType+11021
  Calculate statusID as 10009*not(memberFile.activeFlag)
  Add line to list
  Next on memberFile.lastName
Until flag false


Build list from file on memberFile.lastName ;; using variables
Do iconList.$sendall($ref.iconID.$assign(iconList.memberType+11021)+
Calculate iconList.$line as 0

or even

Find first on memberFile.lastName ;; using standalone columns
  Do iconList.$add(memberFile.memberType+11021,10009*not(memberFile.activeFlag),
  Next on memberFile.lastName
Until flag false

Also remember that if we use the $sendall() technique shown here, it is good form to then set the current line of the list to zero. Otherwise the last line in the list will be selected and our Icon Array field will appear to "jump" to the last entry. Use code similar to this:

Calculate iconList.$line as 0

Our results might look like this:

Here the different main icons represent different types of member while the red circle with the white "X" indicates an inactive member.

There are other variations that work as well. For the techniques that make a second pass through the list to fill in the cell values, it is important to include the variables needed to derive the icon ID column values in the definition of the list (the memberType and activeFlag variables in these examples). Those techniques that derive the icon ID cell values directly from the CRB do not have this requirement.

SQL Database

Again we have a number of techniques from which to choose. We can add new columns to a pre-definedfromsqlclass list using the $cols.$add() method (or its cousins $addbefore() and $addafter()). But SQL also allows us to create columns with derived values within our select statement and we can even make decisions within the expression. We just have to make sure the columns in our target list variable match those derived in the select statement!

If we follow a parallel path to the techniques described for the native database above, we would first define the list variable from an appropriate SQL class and populate it using a standard technique. We may already have such a technique established in a Table Class or Object Class in our library. We can then add new columns as needed and populate them using a technique like one of those shown above. For example:

Do memberObj.$listbuild() ;; list defined and data gathered in the object
Calculate iconList as memberObj.recordlist
Do iconList.$cols.$add('mainIcon',kInteger,kLongint)
Do iconList.$cols.$add('statusIcon',kInteger,kLongint)
Do iconList.$sendall($ref.mainIcon.$assign(11021+iconList.memberType)+
Calculate iconList.$line as 0

Note that the order of these columns does not matter as long as the proper column numbers are used for the iconcolumn and secondiconcolumn property values.

If we want to avoid using a secondary pass through the list to set the icon ID values, we can have our SQL database do this job for us. For large result tables, this is preferable, since the RDBMS is much better suited than Omnis for this work. In preparation, we must define our list variable and add the columns for the icon IDs (making sure they are in the right places), execute a select statement that generates the values we need and then fetch the resulting select table into our list variable. Here is an example:

Do iconList.$definefromsqlclass('members','idNumber','firstName','lastName','activeFlag','memberType')
Do iconList.$cols.$add('mainIcon',kInteger,kLongint)
Do iconList.$cols.$add('statusIcon',kInteger,kLongint)
Begin statement
  Sta: select idNumber,firstName,lastName,activeFlag,memberType,
  Sta: memberType+11021,case activeFlag
  Sta: when true then 0
  Sta: else 10009 end
  Sta: from members where upper(lastname) >= [kSq][firstLetter][kSq]
  Sta: and upper(lastname) <= [kSq][lastLetter]zzz[kSq]
  Sta: order by upper(lastname),upper(firstname);
End statement
Get statement sqlText
Do statement.$execdirect(sqlText)
If statement.$state=kStatementExecDirectFailed
  OK message {Error: [sessionObj.$errorcode]//[sessionObj.$errortext]}
  Quit method
End If
Do statement.$fetch(iconList,kFetchAll,kFalse)

Here we are selecting all the members whose last name initial letters fall within a range of letters of the alphabet. These letters are passed as parameters to the method from the $event method of the tab strip shown in the illustration below:

SQL Results

Notice that on this more finished window I included a legend so the end user can make more sense of the icons. (And no, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. The "tab strip" is actually a Tab Pane field using the kBottomTabs options of its taborient property with the default style for OS X.)

The main icon ID is derived using a simple addition expression and the status icon ID is derived using a case statement. Note that the list definition must match the columns retrieved from the select table. If too few columns exist when the fetch is performed, values will be lost. For this reason, the extra columns must be added early in the method.

Display Modes

Once we have content in our list variable, there are a number of ways we can display the resulting list in an Icon Array field. First, there are two display modes that we have already mentioned for the main icons: large and small icons. These are managed using the smallicons property of the Icon Array field. If it is set to a value of kFalse (the default value), large icons will be presented. If set to kTrue, the small icon display is used.

The position of the secondary icon is changed a bit by the setting of smallicons. It is still 16x16 pixels in size, but it is now placed over the left side of the main icon and vertically aligned with it. Since both icons are now the same size, this change of position makes sense. Here is one of the items shown earlier with a secondary icon, now displayed in small icon mode:

Small Private Icon

There is another difference in the way that display elements are arranged in these two views as well. In large icon view, any text associated with an icon is displayed below the icon. In small icon view, the associated text is displayed to the right of the icon. This makes small icon view very crowded if we retain the default column width from large icon view as the icon and the text are now on the same line. For this reason, we are also given the smalltextwidth property. The value we supply to this property is used as the number of pixels for the width of the text column exclusive of the icon associated with it. The icon requires another 16 pixels in width, plus Omnis Studio also provides for a small "gutter" between the text and the icon and another between icon-text columns. So for a two-column display in this mode with a 100 pixel value for smalltextwidth, an Icon Array field must be at least 285 pixels wide.

Switching on the buttonbackground property adds a visible 3D "button border" around the main icon. In small icon mode, this adds another 7 pixels to the width requirement for a column. The "button border" requires both more width and more height for the icon in this display mode, which contributes to also increasing the space between lines of text when "normal" font sizes are used in small icon mode. To support a two-column list with the same specifications as above, but with the buttonbackground property switched on, the field must be at least 309 pixels wide. There appears to be no effect on line and column spacing in large icon mode, but in small icon mode the change is very dramatic.

As with other fields, we can supply various forms of floating edges for an Icon Array field. (Another topic to explore in detail at another time!) If we resize a window and in turn resize an Icon Array field, the contents displayed in the field are not rearranged unless we have switched on the autoarrange property. This property resets the number of columns displayed in the field if its width is changed and it can accommodate more or fewer columns. The default value for this property is kFalse, so be sure to switch it on if there is a chance the field could become wider or narrower.

Showing Text

The showtext property value also affects the layout of the grid in an Icon Array field. If it is switched off (set to kFalse), more icons can be placed across the width of the field than when it is switched on. While not showing the text associated with the lines in the list variable may make it more difficult to identify a specific line, the distribution of the icons themselves on the grid may hold significant visual information. A great number of them can be fit into a rather small space in small icon mode. But even in large icon mode, twice as many icons can be placed across the field when showtext equals kFalse.

The showtext property also seems to override the buttonbackground property. Even if buttonbackground is switched on, button backgrounds will not appear in either size mode if showtext is switched off.

Avoiding the Spotlight

Many list display fields, as well as Picture and Multiline entry fields, have historically had the annoying habit of grabbing the focus when their window is not in data entry mode or when they are otherwise disabled. In earlier generations of Omnis we had the dreaded "block caret" that appeared in such fields. Today we have various platform-specific forms of highlighting that are not appropriate under these circumstances by most interface standards.

In Omnis Studio version 4, the remedy for this problem has been supplied to us! We have been given the disablefocus property for all fields that exhibit this behavior (which includes the Icon Array field). When this property is switched on for a field, it cannot possibly get the focus - yet it is still fully enabled (as long as its enabled and active property values are kTrue). This is certainly a welcome addition to the Omnis Studio toolkit!

Line Deletion

Here is a feature of the Icon Array field that might be nice to have in other list display fields. We can indicate that we would like to empower the user with the ability to delete the selected list lines in this field by switching on its enabledeletekey property. (More than one line at a time can be selected by the user if the multipleselect property value is set to kTrue.) The more cautious programmer reading this might be saying, "Why would we want to allow them to do that?" The answer is that it offers a simpler interface than alternatives without our relinquishing any control (once we learn to use it correctly).

You see, the user can't simply delete the selected lines through the keyboard wantonly - unless that is what we allow. We have the ability to detect and react to this action by the user as an event. In fact, there are two different parts to this event, as we shall shortly see.

By the way, it is the forward delete key that can cause line deletions, not the backspace key. At least this is the case on my OS X Macintosh.

Line Deletion Events

This is a good place to begin discussing the various specialized events we can react to in the $event method of an Icon Array field. If the enabledeletekey property is switched on, we can detect line deletion events. A line deletion actually comes in two parts: the deletion is about to happen and the deletion has happened. This is an important distinction and one that we see with certain other events in Omnis Studio.

When the user presses the forward delete key, the evIconDeleteStarting event is triggered. If we do not trap for this event, the selected line will be removed from the list variable (and therefore the display) summarily. Trapping this event allows our code to perform checks to determine whether the deletion should be allowed. For example, if we only want to allow inactive members to be deleted in our example database, we might include lines like these in the $event method of our Icon Array field:

On evIconDeleteStarting
  If iconList.activeFlag
    OK message {Only inactive members may be removed.}
    Quit event handler (Discard event)
  End If

If the test is passed, we might also want to retain enough information outside the list (in instance variables or the CRB) to be able to locate the record for actual removal from the database in the cycle to be discussed below. We don't want to delete that record right now even though our field's $event method would seem to allow it because there may be a $control method further up the chain of authority that could still disallow the removal from the list in this event cycle (assuming that we pass the event up to the next handler). The usual purpose of the evIconDeleteStarting event (at least in my work) is to test whether the removal from the list should be allowed an, if so, to prepare for eventual removal of the actual record from the database.

There are no special event parameters that accompany this event. The event simply affects all selected lines in the list variable. If more than one line is selected and the code decides to allow the deletion, this event is a great opportunity to merge the content from all those selected lines into a temporary list for further processing (cyclic deletion) because their images in the icon list are about to disappear!

By the time the evIconDeleteFinished event is detected, it is too late to prevent the removal of the formerly selected line(s) from the list. Any such lines are now gone from the original list variable. What this event tells us is that no $control method decided to disallow the removal of those lines in the previous event cycle, so they are truly gone - and perhaps so should be the records from which they were derived.

Or there may be other "cleanup" work to be performed for which the stage was set during the preceding evIconDeleteStarting event. At this point under normal circumstances, no lines remaining in the icon list variable should be selected. If the Icon Array field is redrawn at this point, it will automatically scroll back up to expose its top line. If we desire a different behavior (like having the line following the last line removed now being selected or set as the current line), then we must prepare for that in the first cycle (by temporarily storing identifying information about the target line) and then follow through on it in this one (by selecting that line through a search or some other means). Your specific needs will determine what you do at which stage in this process.

Text Editing

Text editing in an Icon Array field is dealt with in a similar way to line deletion. We switch on the ability for the user to edit the labeling text by putting a non-zero value into the maxeditcharacters property for the field. Since it is the value for the column specified in the textcolumn property that will, in fact, be edited, it is a good idea to set maxeditcharacters to the maximum width of this column (assuming that the column has a Character datatype and not Date-Time or Number). If this property value is set higher than the maximum length of the column, some characters entered by the user could be lost. If it is set lower than the maximum, the column itself is wasting space - or so it seems to me.

The text for an icon can only be edited if that line is already selected and the user clicks again on the text portion of the grid space for that line. This is not a double-click, but a second click - and it must be on the labeling text (although the initial selection click can be on the icon). If these conditions are met, the labeling text can be edited. This is true whether the window is modeless or modal.

Again, the user can wantonly edit these labels unless we control the situation with some event management code.

Text Editing Events

As with line deletions, there are stages in the editing of label text - and we can exercise control over the process and any of these stages. For label editing, there are three stages:

The first stage is when the user first attempts to edit a label by making a second click on the label portion of a selected line. This is the evIconEditStarting event. This event is accompanied by the pLineNumber event parameter which contains the line number of the line whose text is about to be edited. The phrase "about to be edited" is key here. The edit has not yet begun. The user has simply indicated the desire to edit the label. Access can still be denied. This is the primary purpose of the evIconEditStarting event: to allow our code to test whether to let the user proceed with an actual edit. Knowing the line number, we can examine the contents of that line - and even retrieve the original record from the database if need be - to ascertain whether an edit should even be allowed on this bit of text.

In our example, if we want to disallow changes to the labels for inactive users, we could use the following code to enforce this rule:

On evIconEditStarting
  If not(iconList.[pLineNumber].activeFlag)
    OK message {Inactive members cannot be edited.}
    Quit event handler (Discard event)
  End If

If the code decides to drop the event, processing goes on as if the event never happened. But if the $event method of the field (and the $control methods of all containers as well) allows the event to survive, the user can type in new text and processing continues to the next step.

When the user presses the Return/Enter key or clicks on another location after being given permission to edit an Icon Array label, the next event is triggered. This is the evIconEditFinishing event. It indicates that the user is done typing and would like the change to take effect. This event is accompanied by two specialized event parameters: pLineNumber as before and pNewText, which contains the string typed by the user. As with an evAfter event on a standard Entry field, the contents of the entry area have not yet been transferred to the associated variable (the corresponding cell in the list variable in this case). Our code can still test to see whether the text entered is appropriate and can reject the change at this point if there is a problem. So if for some reason we did not want to allow names beginning with "Q" in our database, we could prevent this with the following code:

On evIconEditFinishing
  If mid(pNewText,1,1)='Q'
    OK message {Names beginning with "Q" are not allowed.}
    Quit event handler (Discard event)
  End If

If all is well, processing continues to the final stage. This is again the "cleanup" stage - the event known as the evIconEditFinished event. It is too late to stop the change from occurring, but there may still be work to perform as a result of the change. This event is again accompanied by the pLineNumber event parameter. One thing that we may want to do at this stage is to sort the list. After all, our list may have been originally sorted alphabetically on the very label text that has now been altered. We need to maintain order in the Array, so sorting may be required. But if sorting is indeed required, the the contents of the current line will end up in a different place in the list. It is good practice in such cases to re-locate that content and make its new home the current line for consistency's sake. We could do that with code similar to this:

On evIconEditFinished
  Calculate currSeqno as lst(memberFile.seqNumber)
  Set search as calculation {memberFile.seqNumber=currSeqno}
  Sort list
  Search list
  Redraw {iconArray}

This can be done notationally as well - and has to be for SQL-based lists. The point here is that this step must be performed after we are certain the change was allowed.

Context Menus

As with some other list display fields, the contextmenu property of an Icon Array field allows us to specify two context menus. The first is the "normal" context menu, which appears when we context-click on one of the displayed icons. The second is the context menu that will appear if we context-click on the white space in the field - either after the last icon or between the icons.

Why would we want two different context menus for a single field? In the case of a list display field, a context menu for a list line (or an icon, in the case of our Icon Array field) would offer operations the user can perform on that line. A context menu for the white space might offer operations like adding a new line, clearing the entire list, or changing from large to small icon view, etc. The second context menu is completely optional, though, so don't feel pressed to use it!

We specify the menu classes we wish to use for these purposes by including both names (separated by a comma) in the contextmenu property value field in the Property Manager. If we want only a single context menu to serve for the entire field, we only need to specify one menu class (and no comma). The first menu class name can be selected from the list provided in the Property Manager. The second must be manually entered.

Both Context Menus

Context Menu Events

We may occasionally need to modify a context menu instance as it is about to be used. For example, we might wish to include a menu line that toggles the icon between "Active" and "Inactive". This is a simple enough calculation and the process can be carried out with a single line of code (after the line that detected the event, that is). But if we are using a separate context menu for the white space, our code needs to be a bit more elaborate. In either event, we need to detect that a context menu is about to be opened.

That is the job of the evOpenContextMenu event for this field. We discussed this event in an earlier article entirely devoted to context menus, so we don't need to repeat the bulk of that article. There are two specialized event parameters that accompany this event: pClickedField,which is a notational reference to the field that received the context click and pContextMenu, which is a notational reference to the menu instance that is about to be opened. It is the second of these parameters that is useful to us here. We can use it to determine which of our two context menus is about to open and only modify the appropriate line on the one that needs this assistance. Here is an example of how this might be done:

On evOpenContextMenu
  If pContextMenu.$class().$name='iconContext'
    Calculate pContextMenu.$objs.1.$text as pick(iconList.activeFlag,'Activate','Deactivate')
  End If

This changes the text on the first line of a context menu instance spawned from the Menu Class named "iconContext", but does nothing to a context menu spawned from "iconWhiteContext" (the name of the menu for the white space). The text displayed on the menu is derived from the value of activeFlag on the line of the list that received the context click.

What About the List View?

Some readers may be wondering how we manage to get the "list view" or "detail view" out of an Icon Array field. The answer is quite simple: we don't. The way that Omnis Studio does this in the Browser, the Component Store, etc. is to put an Icon Array on one page of a Paged Pane field and put a Headed List Box field on another page. Both the Icon Array and the Headed List Box have the same dataname value. That is, they both represent the same list variable. These fields are then given "compensating code" to allow them to be treated in the same way (like detecting a forward delete keystroke in the $event method of the Headed List Box field to emulate the enabledeletekey property of the Icon Array, for example). When the detail view is called for by the user, the current page of the Paged Pane is simply changed. When an icon view is requested, the current page is changed back and the appropriate icon size mode is set.

Or it could just be magic...

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Omnis® and Omnis Studio® are registered trademarks, and Omnis 7™ is a trademark of Omnis Software UK Ltd. Other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their corporations. All rights reserved.

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