By Dr Caroline Wilkins
iB2B Systems Ltd (Note the Web Client is now obsolete but you may find useful some of the techniques discussed here regarding web form design and web applications: you should now use the JavaScript Client to create web & mobile apps.)
We have discussed issues pertaining to the client and
server deployment of web client. Now we look at some of the components
available to the developer to construct a web client application.
Web client provides the basic elements one would expect of any graphical
user interface. These include the Push button, Button area, Single and
Multi-line edit boxes, Radio group, Check box and various list options
such as List, Drop List, Combo Box and Heading List. In addition to the
more standard GUI components, there are Paged Pane, Tab bar, Side bar
and Form File components as well as background components such as the
Label, Border, Tile and Wash components.
When put together, these components may be used to create a rich and attractive
user interface. The sophistication a user expects to see in a desktop
application may be served up within a browser window.
To start with, create a new remote form and a new remote task. Set the
remote task property of the remote form to the name of the remote task
you have created. You then have a blank remote form that you can experiment
Alternatively, use the remote form wizard to create
a plain remote form and accompanying remote task. In the Library Browser
window, select: Class> Wizards >Remote Form and follow the wizard.
Try dragging the components discussed below from the component store on
to your new remote form. To test the form, press Ctrl-T. The remote form
will launch in your browser.
Here is a summary of the basic web client components.
Responds to an evClick event. Is used to trigger a method
in response to user interaction. The Pushbutton component is contained
within the Formflds.dll which is part of the core installation of
web client:
Button Area
Responds to an evClick event. Is used to trigger a method
in response to user interaction. The Button Area is invisible and
is placed over a graphic to create a button interface effect. The
Button Area component is contained within the Formflds.dll which is
a core dll which is part of the core installation of web client:
Single Line and Multi Line edit boxes
Used to display text data and enables user to enter
data when $enabled property is set to kTrue. The data that is displayed
or entered is held in the variable corresponding to $dataname. The
evAfter event enables the programmer to specify what will happen after
the user tabs out of this field. The Single and Multi Line edit box
components are contained within the Formflds.dll which is part of
the core installation of web client:
Radio Group
Used to display mutually exclusive choices:
Formflds dll component
Assign a numeric variable
Arrangement controlled by
- $columncount
- $horizontal
Must have Multistate 1 icon page for remote form
Used for boolean data (on/off, yes/no):
Formflds dll component
Assign a numeric or boolean variable
Must have Multistate 2 icon page for remote form
Used for display of single column list data:
Formflds dll component
evClick, evDoubleClick
Displays first column of a list
evClick passes line number in pLineNumber
$::multipleselect allows more than one line at a time to be
Drop List
Used for a select list:
Formflds dll component
$listcolumn specifies which list column to display
evClick passes line number in pLineNumber
selection of multiple lines not possible
Combo Box
Used for a list or user entry:
Formflds dll component
$::listname specifies the list for the drop list options
$dataname contains selection/user entry field
$listcolumn specifies which list column to display
evClick passes line number in pLineNumber
Heading List
Used for multi-column list with column headings:
Formflds dll component
evClick, evDoubleClick
$listcolumn specifies which list column(s) to display
evClick, evDoubleClick pass line number in pLineNumber
evHeaderClick passes column number in pColumnNumber
Paged Pane
Used to create multiple screens on a single remote
Orfcmain component
$pagecount - no. of pages
$currentpage - current page displayed
control by Sidebar, Tabbar or in code
Tab bar
Used to control a page pane:
Formtbar dll component
$nosoftab - number of tabs
$::currenttab - current tab
evClick passes tab number in pLineNumber
Used to read/write files on client:
Formfile dll component
$dataname - contains file data
$filename - default filename displayed for save to disk prompt
Background Components
Use to identify objects and create various graphic effects:
We have discussed the basic components of web client here. In a future
newsletter, we will put them together to make an application.
Event Handling: Exploring Events
By David Swain
Polymath Business Systems
In the last issue of Omnis Tech News I promised to illustrate the concepts
described in that article with a number of examples in this one. But rather
than just showing you a few common events and how to deal with them, let
me show you how to explore complex event cycles yourself with a simple
technique I developed years ago. This technique (as with any other programming)
relies upon chaining together a few things we already know in a precise
way to achieve a desired result. In our case here, we want to see how
chains of events unfold for various actions a user might commonly perform.
What We Know
There are seven facts we already know about Omnis Studio that we will
use in this technique:
- Events not trapped at the recipient level (or explicitly passed on
from there) are passed up to the $control methods of all containers
to the task level.
- The details of an event remain constant for the entire event cycle
and are not affected by any actions we take in response to the event
until that cycle is completed.
- $cobj always points to the object that is the recipient of
the event.
- pEventCode contains the basic information about the event currently
under scrutiny, but each kind of event has its own set of parameters
that more fully describe the event. In a generic solution, we cant
know ahead of time which parameters to include, so it helps to know
- sys(86) contains a full description of the event currently
under scrutiny, including pEventCode and any additional parameter values.
The parameters themselves are not named, but we can do a little research
to determine which parameters contain the values reported to us.
- Many events trigger other cycles of the event handling system, so
multiple event cycles may occur before the user regains control. (This
is what we wish to explore.)
- We can pass any text we wish to the Trace Log from any method
- even when we are not in trace mode.
These facts are the basis of this technique. Now lets see what
we can do with them.
What We Can Do With What We Know
In anthropology and other scientific disciplines we learn early on that
observed events can be affected by the observer in such a way that the
event itself is changed from its unobserved potential. In our experiment,
we would like to observe our Omnis events without affecting them any more
than necessary. Time-tested techniques like tossing in an occasional OK
message dialog or dropping into the debugger are poor choices because
they disrupt the very event cycle we wish to observe. So what other alternative
is there?
I have found that the purest way to simply observe the event
cycle is to do nothing other than pass the event description from a $control
method at the task level to the Trace Log. By do nothing I
mean that we comment out or remove all code from other $event and $control
methods (or remove those methods themselves!) and just focus on the events
that are reported to us. If we have a large enough monitor, we can even
leave the Trace Log window open and observe the reported events as they
happen. There is still a slight perturbation of the flow of events if
we happen to bring the Trace Log window to the front (perhaps to clear
it) and then bring our test window back to the front, but these too are
events that we need to understand (already open window brought to the
front with a window click).
The $control method in our task class contains one line for now:
Send to trace log {[$cobj.$fullname]:[pEventCode]:[sys(86)]}
Actually, we can get rid of the [pEventCode] portion as sys(86)
includes this information, but leave it for now if only to prove that
this is true. There is still a bit of work to do before we test this (besides
removing all our $event and $control code from levels below task,
that is).
The Simplest Setup
Lets set up Omnis Studio to give us the simplest event cycles to
begin with. A few options in Omnis Studio can complicate the event cycle
and we want to explore the simplest cases first. We can build in much
more complexity later. To get the simplest setup, we have to turn off
or otherwise modify various settings.
Special Events
The first thing we must do is turn off the special event
detection of mouse, right-mouse, status and key events. As we will see
later, these add cycles to event processing that can cloud our early exploration.
These are found in the Action tab of the Preferences
for our library. We can access them by context-clicking on the librarys
icon in the Library Browser, by selecting the library in the Browser and
either selecting Properties... from the Browsers View
menu or clicking the Properties button in the Browsers
toolbar, or by drilling down to the $prefs item for our library
using the Notation Inspector. (Enough choices for you?) We need all four
of these set to kFalse for now.
Button Focus Options
While we have the Property Manager pointing to library preferences, we
should also set the canfocusbuttons property found under the
Prefs tab to kNoFocus. If pushbuttons are allowed
to receive the focus, this adds another event cycle when a pushbutton
is clicked. Certainly there is nothing wrong with buttons receiving the
focus in a finished application, but were going for simplicity here.
Creating A Test Window
Now all we need is a simple window with a few well-chosen field objects
in it to test our event tracking technique. In the figure below, I have
created a new window class with three entry fields and two pushbuttons.
The entry fields are named entry1, entry2 and
entry3 and the pushbuttons are named pushbutton1
and pushbutton2. We dont need to give these fields any
special properties, but make sure the windows modelessdata
property is set to kTrue.
Now double-click on one of these field items to open the Method Editor
and remove all lines of code from the $event method of each object (or
remove the $event methods completely). Once this is done, open the Trace
Log using the Options menu of the Method Editor and drag it to a convenient,
out-of-the-way location and we can begin our exploration. Assuming that
the proper code is in your task $control method, any events that occur
should now appear in the Trace Log window.
Since we are sending text to the Trace Log and not actually tracing command
lines as they execute, the first column in the Trace Log window will remain
empty. We can drag that column to a smaller width and/or increase the
width of the window to see more of our event description text.
Event Cycle Examples
The first thing we must do is open a test instance of our window class
using Control/Command-T for the window class context menu. We notice that
two lines appear in the Trace Log when this happens, indicating that two
event cycles have occurred:
The first cycle dealt with the fact that when a window opens, it comes
to the top for the first time. This is immediately followed
by the focus entering the first entry field (since the window is in modeless
data entry mode). If we now press the Tab button (to move the focus
to the next data entry field), we see three more event description lines
appear in the Trace Log window:
First, the focus intends to leave the current field (entry1) with the
value of pNextCode indicating the reason this is happening (that an evTab
event is about to take place). Then the evTab occurs in a separate cycle.
The result of this tab event is that the focus must now enter the second
entry field, so an evBefore event then occurs to entry2.
So three event cycles we needed to cause this single action from the
user - giving us three separate opportunities to detect and react to portions
of this operation. We can issue an On evAfter for entry1,
a conditional If pNextCode=evTab within that block to separate
the tab cause of after from other possibilities,
an On evTab for entry1 and/or an On evBefore for
entry2 (to set an initial value, perhaps). Plenty of opportunity to intervene
in these cycles!
Now click on the first pushbutton. Since mouse events have been disabled
and pushbuttons are not allowed to receive the focus in our current setup,
only two event cycles accompany this user action:
Notice that an evAfter event happens to the current entry
field even though the focus doesnt leave the field. Also notice
that pNextCode equals evMouseDown even though mouse events
have been disabled. It is still the initial mouse down that causes the
after event. Furthermore, the event parameter pClickedField
contains a notational reference to the object receiving the mouse
down event.
Since mouse events are currently off, the pushbutton field receives a
full evClick event. The 0 that accompanies this
is the row number that was clicked upon. This only actually
applies to list fields and is given a 0 value for all other
field types - but it still is part of the evClick event description.
So what would have happened if we hadnt disabled the canfocusbuttons
Adding Button Focus
Lets set that property to kFocus and see! Now when
we click the pushbutton, we get three event cycles:
The two cycles that happened before happen in the same manner, but they
are now followed by an evBefore cycle with the pushbutton
field receiving the focus.
Adding Special Events
If we now enable mouse events by setting the mouseevents
property to kTrue and perform these actions again, we get
a whole new set of event cycles:
Let me try to sort this out for you...
When mouse events are turned on, we not only see mouse down
and mouse up events occurring, but mouse enter
and mouse leave events as well - on everything! Notice
that in order to click on the pushbutton, the mouse had to first enter
the window, then enter the pushbutton field. (And I was being careful
not to pass over anything else!) This was not part of the click
event cluster, but had to happen so we could even be in position to click
the pushbutton.
The cluster of event cycles accompanying the click on the pushbutton
began with a mouse up event. While this may seem counter-intuitive,
think about it for a moment. My interpretation of the facts before us
is that the click is not a click until the mouse goes up over the same
object it went down on (the precise technical term here...). So the mouse
up on pushbutton1 leads to an after event on entry2
(the current field at the time) which is accompanied by a value of evMouseDown
in pNextCode. The mouse down event on pushbutton1 follows,
and is followed in turn by first the evClick and then the
evBefore event before finally allowing control to return to
the user.There are five event cycles that described this user action.
The mouse leave event was not technically part of the click
cycle cluster. I had to move the mouse to go off and take a snapshot of
the Trace Log. But the user in a real world application would also eventually
have to get off the button - and would, in fact, generate a series of
mouse enter and mouse leave events in the wake
of any moouse movements as long as the mouseevents property
is enabled.
Testing Other Field Object Types
Hopefully, this brief exercise has whet your appetite for event exploration
and given you the tools necessary to observe clusters of event cycles
without unduly affecting them. There are many interesting surprises awaiting
you - and a few mental exercises like the one above to help you be clear
about the chain of events that some user actions trigger. Go ahead and
add other field types to the test window (like list display fields, for
example) and see what the Trace Log tells you about how the event handler
sees user actions involving them.
In the next few articles, well take a closer look at the special
event types (mouse, right mouse, keystroke and status events) and explore
their uses. |